The Course Includes

Start this riveting journey with a warm welcome worksheet and video, intended to set the tone for your entrance into the venerated world of fashion. This introductory material will guide you into the right mindset of those who get invited to Fashion Week.

As we delve further into the course, expect a thought-provoking worksheet and video filled to the brim with savvy tips and information that will act as your personal cheat sheet. You'll learn how to conduct yourself in fashion circles, who to approach, and how to create a compelling pitch. On top of that, we are giving you a special BONUS – yes, you heard that right. An exclusive bonus is waiting for you at the end of the course so be sure to check it out!

What to Expect

Embark on a comprehensive journey breaking down the seemingly elusive question: "how to get invited to fashion week?" Throughout the course, we will address the prerequisites of making an impression in the industry that will woo the selectors. By the end, "how do you get invited to a fashion show" will no longer be a Google search but a mastered skill.

Learn to make connections with the right people, perfect your online presence, and present a strong case for why you deserve to be at Fashion Week. We will challenge you to think deeply about your own unique selling points and how you can best convey them to decision-makers.

Finally, expect to receive valuable insider tips on how to get invited to Fashion Week. From understanding how invitations work to nurturing relationships with fashion insiders, this course gives you a profound understanding of the norms, customs, and protocols of being invited to the glamorous world of fashion weeks.

Who is this Course for?

If you've ever wondered "how to get invited to a fashion week" then this course is for you. It's for any influencer who has their sights set on the limelight. They just need that little push and expertise to navigate this glamorous labyrinth.

Not only will this course help you understand how to get invited to Fashion Week, but it'll also help shape your personal brand and online presence to attract the attention of the right people. Brands, fashion designers, and media outlets won't be able to resist inviting you to their prestigious events! Your front-row seat at Fashion Week awaits!

Shop the Bundle, Learn More

With this course, you'll learn how to get invited to fashion week, but we're inviting you to learn even more with The “How To” Bundle for Influencers. In it, you'll also learn how to get out of a rut, how to reach out to brands, and how to kickstart your influencer career. Think of it as your private itinerary to influencer heaven!