A must-have resource for all influencers.

Have you ever received a brand email and not known what to respond? Or have felt blind-sided? Or not know how to push forward to actually confirm a job?

It happens to all of us — influencer, managers, in-house representatives. Fret not, because these top ten email responses will have you answering emails like a pro. Take a look below at what's inside the template because we bet we'll get you through some major hurdles.


Ten specific email example response templates that influencers struggle with most when responding to brands including:

  1. When brands offer gifting
  2. When brands ask to collaborate
  3. When brands offer you a lower rate than what you charge
  4. When brands send you a contract that doesn't match what you agreed upon
  5. When you're ready to sent content for brands to approve
  6. When brands ask you to reshoot but you did everything correctly
  7. When brands ask you to do more than what's on the contract
  8. When brands don't pay you
  9. When you've finished a paid partnership
  10. When you want to work with a brand again

Plus a Helpful How-To-Sheet to ensure you're answering emails confidently and like a pro!


  • All Influencers, no matter the following size or field.
  • Talent Managers
  • Talent Agents
  • In-House Influencer Team Members


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About Idalia

Brilliantly disrupting the digital marketing industry, top strategist (and influencer in her own right) Idalia Salsamendi has been revolutionizing social media for over a decade. With over 18 years of top-tier talent management and PR experience and a 360° understanding of the industry, Idalia launched her company, Idalia Inc., as the top destination for brands and influencers looking to exceed the conventional strategies of digital marketing.

Idalia’s out-of-the-box, strategic thinking has solidified her reputation as someone capable of launching a budding career beyond expectations among talent and brands alike — and now she wants to share her industry insight and knowledge with you. Whether you’re an aspiring influencer looking to cultivate a bigger following or a startup brand interested in successful digital marketing strategies, Idalia has everything you need to take your business to the next level. 

Brand and Influencer Strategist Idalia Salsamendi